Storm Solutions®: Hurricane protection, hurricane damage

Our products include hurricane shutters, hurricane screens from Armor Screen, StormWatch, and colonial storm shutter systems.

The Problem

"Climate change and sea level rise is expected to incrase the frequency and severity of wind-related hazard events in the upcoming decades." -Coastal Resources Center et al., 2008
Eye of Hurricane Hurricane Bill Waves
"The Northeast is staring down the barrel of a gun... The Northeast coast is long overdue for a powerful hurricane, and with the weather patterns and hydrology we're seeing in the oceans, the likelihood of a major hurricane making landfall in the Northeast is not a question of if but when." -Joe Bastardi, Chief Forecaster of the Hurricane Center
"In a recent presentation, the National Weather Service described New England as having an 'inexperienced population' with tropical storm impacts and underscored the need for investing in hazard mitigation." -Coastal Resources Center et al., 2008